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Events | Concerts | Satirical Shows | Thuringia | Eichsfeld

Our Cultural Program at Bodenstein Castle

Besides our recreation and seminar offers various cultural events are held in the premises of our castle and around the castle area periodically. For instance, the castle hall is filled with musical sounds during the Bodenstein Palace Concerts and cabaret evenings are uplifting the spirits of our guests. The Bodenstein Dialogues are addressing political topics and open for everyone to join.

Attend one of our cultural events or book an overnight stay so that you can be on the spot!

Bodenstein Palace Concerts

Whether a piano concert, an organ concert or a wind quintet – the Bodenstein Palace Concerts cover a variety of musical preferences. In atmospheric ambience artists from Eichsfeld, Thuringia and Germany play at the castle hall, the chapel or the castle garden. Following the musical presentation audience, artists and organizers meet up at a sociable get-together in the wine cellar of the castle where the evening ends with good wine as well as bread and dripping. Encounters and conversations are included. Be mellowed musically into Advent time, the turn of the year or the Easter days by ensembles or solo artists and exchange with other people at the evening meeting.

The Bodenstein Palace Concerts take place every Friday at 8 p.m. You can find our annual program here or request it.

Cabaret Evenings

Entertainment is provided at our cabaret evenings. During these events socially critical topics are picked up and presented in an enjoyable way by using acting, poetry and music. Our everyday life is seen from a new perspective and appears ridiculous and crazy at times. Merciless and bold, cabaret artists use wit, originality and a twinkling eye to make fun of bizarre structures of society, politics and culture and encourage the audience to laugh and reflect. Curl up with a good wine and fresh pretzels in our castle hall and let yourself be taken to the world of cabaret.

Bodenstein Dialogues

The Bodenstein Dialogues are a political but factional independent talk series. During lectures, panel discussions and debates with the audience topics concerning society, politics, church and culture are focused on. Present questions as well as future-oriented topics are taken into account. Take the chance and inform yourself about politics and exchange opinions with others.

The Bodenstein Dialogues are held in collaboration with the political Bildungswerke Thüringen, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Heinrich Böll Foundation as well as the Group of Friends “Bodensteiner Gespräche”.

Subject of to change without notice in regards to cultural events.